We know that a customer inquiry is not the most fun thing to fill in. Despite that, we insist on sending one, year after year… And why is that? The answer is, by evaluating your responses, we can, and we will, improve ourselves and our services.
Throughout the whole chain, from receiving an order, during the searching/finding, and until we send the result back to you, we believe that there always exist opportunities for improvement. So, a lot of thanks for filling in the inquiry, and helping us to know what we must focus on in order to better ourselves.
This year, 2021, we were especially happy with the verdict from one question. One question that we think wraps everything all together. The question was “I can recommend Uppdragshuset?” And we scored 100% yes.
There is always room for improvement. We have analyzed your answers from the inquiry in detail. One take-away from your feedback is that we could be clearer explaining what kind of documentation we wish to receive from you, to ensure we are able to perform the best job we possibly can. We currently have an order form which is available upon request, however we are currently looking at how we can better implement this.