
Analysera styrkan hos ett patent


Analysera styrkan hos ett patent


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Project management for IP people?

Project management for IP people?

To achieve our vision "The art of Finding" we foster an environment of developing! This course of project management for IP people which we arranged together with clients and several of our colleagues attended is another step of learning and thereby achieving our...

Reflections on 2024

Reflections on 2024

What a year it has been! As I reflect on the year that has passed, I feel an immense sense of joy and gratitude. This year, we had the privilege of welcoming several fantastic new team members, bringing us to a group of 17 passionate and skilled colleagues. Together,...

Uppdragshuset goes Patentdagen 2024 – 19 september

Uppdragshuset goes Patentdagen 2024 – 19 september

We will be attending Patentdagen 2024 on September 19. Uppdragshuset will be represented by Joni Sayeler, Sofie Wikström and Máté András Kondor. Patentdagen (The Patent Day) is arranged by Groth & Co and is a Nordic gathering for professionals involved in patents...

Volvo Automotive

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Kunder & samarbetspartners





